- key: A blog about changing the way we remember url: http://www.1000memories.com - key: Human-based computation url: http://www.3form.org - key: Echo url: http://www.aboutecho.com - key: Alon Halevy's Blog url: http://www.blogspot.com - key: arbesman.net url: http://www.arbesman.net - key: James Gleick url: http://www.around.com - key: writing | ben fry url: http://www.benfry.com - key: Big Data Craft url: http://www.bigdatacraft.com - key: Assetmap url: http://www.assetmap.com - key: BuzzData | Blog url: http://www.buzzdata.com - key: Connect.Me Blog url: http://www.connect.me - key: Data Miners Blog url: http://www.data-miners.com - key: Data Big Bang Blog url: http://www.databigbang.com - key: DataMarket blog url: http://www.datamarket.com - key: DataPortability Blog url: http://www.dataportability.org - key: DataSift url: http://www.datasift.net - key: DBpedia url: http://www.dbpedia.org - key: "Edwin Chen's Blog \xBB Bayesian Confidence Intervals: Obama\u2019s \u2018\ That\u2019-Addition and Informality" url: http://www.echen.me - key: Effectual Analysis url: http://www.effectcheck.com - key: Factual Blog url: http://www.factual.com - key: Formulists url: http://www.formulists.com - key: GetGlue Blog url: http://www.getglue.com - key: Social Studies Blog url: http://www.getsatisfaction.com - key: Gnip Blog url: http://www.gnip.com - key: Hunch Blog url: http://www.hunch.com - key: InfiniteGraph url: http://www.infinitegraph.com - key: blog.infochimps.org url: http://www.infochimps.com - key: No Free Hunch url: http://www.kaggle.com - key: Keepcon url: http://www.keepcon.com - key: kiwitobes.com url: http://www.kiwitobes.com - key: know about it url: http://www.knowabout.it - key: The Kontagent Blog url: http://www.kontagent.com - key: MetaOptimize url: http://www.metaoptimize.com - key: 'Kevin Hillstrom: MineThatData' url: http://www.minethatdata.com - key: MongoLab url: http://www.mongolab.com - key: NewsCred Blog - Thoughts on the Future of News url: http://www.newscred.com - key: OkTrends url: http://www.okcupid.com - key: Open Knowledge Foundation Blog url: http://www.okfn.org - key: PeopleBrowsr Blog !!! url: http://www.peoplebrowsr.com - key: PostRank Blog url: http://www.postrank.com - key: Personalization Blog url: http://www.rapleaf.com - key: Recorded Future Blog url: http://www.recordedfuture.com - key: Revolutions url: http://www.revolutionanalytics.com - key: RIGHTLOAD url: http://www.rightload.info - key: ScraperWiki Data Blog url: http://www.scraperwiki.com - key: Sematext Blog url: http://www.sematext.com - key: All your data are belong to us url: http://www.sitescraper.net - key: /#! url: http://www.slashpoundbang.com - key: Adventures in Data Land url: http://www.smola.org - key: SocialFlow Blog url: http://www.socialflow.com - key: Sociocast Blog url: http://www.sociocast.com - key: SpatialKey blog url: http://www.spatialkey.com - key: Timetric Blog url: http://www.timetric.com - key: FluidDB url: http://www.fluidinfo.com - key: Technology Leadership Tactics url: http://www.forbes.com - key: The Data Digest url: http://www.forrester.com - key: "JMP\xAE Blog" url: http://www.sas.com - key: Splunk Blogs url: http://www.splunk.com - key: The Numbers Guy url: http://www.wsj.com - key: Caseorganic Blog url: http://www.caseorganic.com - key: Channel 9 - Entries tagged with Data url: http://www.msdn.com - key: Cloud Event Processing url: http://www.wordpress.com - key: Recollect Engineering url: http://www.recollect.com - key: (title unknown) url: http://www.contactcon.com - key: Tap11 Corp Site url: http://www.tap11.com - key: curiosity counts url: http://www.curiositycounts.com - key: Dataspora Blog url: http://www.dataspora.com - key: Daytum url: http://www.wordpress.com - key: DBMS Musings url: http://www.blogspot.com - key: Dumbotics url: http://www.dumbotics.com - key: eagereyes url: http://www.eagereyes.org - key: emergent by design url: http://www.emergentbydesign.com - key: Extractiv url: http://www.squarespace.com - key: Search Facets url: http://www.endeca.com - key: Latest url: http://www.fathom.info - key: "Latest \xBB Press" url: http://www.fathom.info - key: Apigee Blog url: http://www.apigee.com - key: Data Wrangling url: http://www.datawrangling.com - key: 'Juice Analytics: Agile Analytics' url: http://www.juiceanalytics.com - key: Mainly Data url: http://www.jeffhammerbacher.com - key: Marginally Interesting by Mikio L. Braun url: http://www.mikiobraun.de - key: Mashape's Voice url: http://www.mashape.com - key: Quantified Self url: http://www.quantifiedself.com - key: sudoscientist.com url: http://www.sudoscientist.com - key: thoughts from the red planet url: http://www.nathanmarz.com - key: BackType url: http://www.backtype.com - key: The CrowdFlower Blog url: http://www.crowdflower.com - key: "DataStax \xBB Blog Post \u2013 Corporate" url: http://www.datastax.com - key: Directed Edge News url: http://www.directededge.com - key: ThingSpeak Community url: http://www.thingspeak.com - key: MailRank Home url: http://www.mailrank.com - key: Nick Halstead url: http://www.nickhalstead.com - key: O'Reilly Radar - Insight, analysis, and research about emerging technologies. url: http://www.oreilly.com - key: Rawkes - Captain's Blog url: http://www.rawkes.com - key: Saplo url: http://www.saplo.com - key: "Simply Measured \xBB Social Media Data" url: http://www.simplymeasured.com - key: SmartData Collective - The world's best thinkers on business intelligence & data analytics url: http://www.smartdatacollective.com - key: Sunlight Labs blog url: http://www.sunlightlabs.com - key: "Vertica \xBB Blog" url: http://www.vertica.com - key: Z-Blog url: http://www.zemanta.com - key: "Palantir Technologies \xBB Analysis Blog" url: http://www.palantirtech.com - key: "b i t q u i l l \xBB Sci & Tech" url: http://www.bitquill.net - key: FigShare Blog url: http://www.figshare.com - key: Geeking with Greg url: http://www.blogspot.com - key: GLUE Conference url: http://www.gluecon.com - key: i314 - Research in Data Science_i314 - Research in Data Science url: http://www.i314.com.ar - key: Entrepreneurial Geekiness url: http://www.ianozsvald.com - key: Infographics news url: http://www.blogspot.com - key: Information Arbitrage url: http://www.informationarbitrage.com - key: Information Optimized Blog url: http://www.informationoptimized.com - key: mnt url: http://www.google.com - key: Hyperextended Metaphor url: http://www.innocuous.org - key: "Ivan\u2019s private site" url: http://www.ivan-herman.name - key: Jon Katzur url: http://www.google.com - key: No Free Hunch url: http://www.kaggle.com - key: The Adsideologist - Kevin Berardinelli url: http://www.kevinberardinelli.com - key: The Official Klout Blog url: http://www.klout.com - key: Knight & Bishop url: http://www.knightbishop.com - key: Irrational Exuberance url: http://www.lethain.com - key: LingPipe Blog url: http://www.lingpipe-blog.com - key: New blog articles in Blogs url: http://www.lithium.com - key: LOD2 url: http://www.lod2.eu - key: Blog | MapR Technologies url: http://www.mapr.com - key: Inductio Ex Machina url: http://www.reid.name - key: Marko A. Rodriguez url: http://www.markorodriguez.com - key: brain of matpalm url: http://www.matpalm.com - key: Measuring Measures url: http://www.measuringmeasures.com - key: The Mechanical Turk Blog url: http://www.typepad.com - key: Metamarkets Blog url: http://www.metamarketsgroup.com - key: Michael Nielsen url: http://www.michaelnielsen.org - key: Scribbled thoughts on my research topics url: http://www.typepad.com - key: business|bytes|genes|molecules url: http://www.mndoci.com - key: Open url: http://www.nytimes.com - key: Seb's Open Research url: http://www.sebpaquet.net - key: ParAccel url: http://www.paraccel.com - key: Personal Data Ecosystem Consortium url: http://www.personaldataecosystem.org - key: PeteSearch url: http://www.typepad.com - key: Proximal Labs url: http://www.proximallabs.com - key: rachelbinx url: http://www.rachelbinx.com - key: Semantic Void url: http://www.semanticvoid.com - key: Sesame Data Browser url: http://www.wordpress.com - key: Shion's Randomness url: http://www.tumblr.com - key: Simple Complexity url: http://www.simplecomplexity.net - key: Social Media Collective url: http://www.socialmediacollective.org - key: Super-Economy url: http://www.blogspot.com - key: Surprise and Coincidence - musings from the long tail url: http://www.blogspot.com - key: The Next EdgeThe Next Edge | The Next Edge url: http://www.thenextedge.org - key: The Noisy Channel url: http://www.thenoisychannel.com - key: My tech blog. url: http://www.tomazkovacic.com - key: Jeffrey Veen url: http://www.veen.com - key: Visual.ly url: http://www.visual.ly - key: Wizardry practicum url: http://www.tumblr.com - key: Analysis Intelligence url: http://www.analysisintelligence.com - key: asymco url: http://www.asymco.com - key: 'Bitcurrent: Networking, technology, and web operations' url: http://www.bitcurrent.com - key: Byte Mining url: http://www.bytemining.com - key: Calculated Risk url: http://www.calculatedriskblog.com - key: CB Insights - Blog url: http://www.cbinsights.com - key: CommonCrawl url: http://www.commoncrawl.org - key: Chris Diehl url: http://www.cpdiehl.org - key: dataists url: http://www.dataists.com - key: Everyone's Blog Posts - Data Science Central url: http://www.google.com - key: Zero Intelligence Agents url: http://www.drewconway.com - key: '...My heart''s in Accra' url: http://www.ethanzuckerman.com - key: RadiumOne's Facebook Wall url: http://www.facebook.com - key: FactSet's Taking Risk blog url: http://www.factset.com - key: Freakonomics url: http://www.freakonomics.com - key: Blog Archive url: http://www.gooddata.com - key: GoodData url: http://www.gooddata.com - key: 'News: Datablog | guardian.co.uk' url: http://www.guardian.co.uk - key: igvita.com url: http://www.igvita.com - key: Informaniac url: http://www.informaniac.net - key: Kin lane url: http://www.kinlane.com - key: Knome url: http://www.knome.com - key: A Notebook url: http://www.lisazhang.ca - key: manAmplified url: http://www.manamplified.org - key: Michael G. Noll url: http://www.michael-noll.com - key: Michael Rihani url: http://www.michaelrihani.com - key: AI3:::Adaptive Information url: http://www.mkbergman.com - key: The Needle Blog url: http://www.needlebase.com - key: Neoformix url: http://www.neoformix.com - key: Social Media Intelligence | NM Incite url: http://www.nmincite.com - key: Peter Norvig url: http://www.norvig.com - key: OData Blog url: http://www.odata.org - key: Palantir Finance Analysis Blog url: http://www.palantirfinance.com - key: Palantir Finance Analysis Blog url: http://www.palantirfinance.com - key: PlaceIQ url: http://www.placeiq.com - key: Predictive Signals url: http://www.predictivesignals.com - key: riccomini - data visualization, computer programming, data mining, software engineering url: http://www.riccomini.name - key: Clay Shirky url: http://www.shirky.com - key: Skeptic Geek url: http://www.skepticgeek.com - key: SnapLogic Blog url: http://www.snaplogic.com - key: Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science url: http://www.andrewgelman.com - key: Tableau Software blogs url: http://www.tableausoftware.com - key: The Filter Bubble url: http://www.thefilterbubble.com - key: ThingWorx - The 1st Application Platform for the Connected World url: http://www.thingworx.com - key: Yet Another Machine Learning Blog url: http://www.wordpress.com - key: Machine Learning, etc url: http://www.blogspot.com - key: spinn3r url: http://www.spinn3r.com - key: 7puentes url: http://www.7puentes.com