The Call of the Web Scraper

Astrid, our Data Big Bang and Nektra content editor, is heading to Nepal on a birding and trekking quest. She needs birds sounds from xeno-canto and The Internet Bird Collection to identify the hundreds of species found in Nepal, but the site does not offer batch downloads. We could not pass up the opportunity to offer a useful scraper for birders. We found a blog post with code to download batches of recordings for specific species (not specific countries): Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup and Python. Like most script developers. we want to do things our own way. Our code allows simultaneous download of calls to speed up the process for specially diverse countries.

Web scraping is often associated with indecorous Internet behavior, but in fact, it is also a way to automate tedious manual work. Imagine that you want to have the complete schedule from EasyJet to choose a flight. It can take less than one hour to scrape all the desired routes. Right now there are no entry-level tools for scraping sites like there are for photo editing. Fortunately, script developers share their scraping code on sites like ScraperWiki.

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Web Scraping 101: Pulling Stories from Hacker News

This is a guest post by Hartley Brody, whose book “The Ultimate Guide to Web Scraping” goes into much more detail on web scraping best practices. You can follow him on Twitter, it’ll make his day! Thanks for contributing Hartley!

Hacker News is a treasure trove of information on the hacker zeitgeist. There are all sorts of cool things you could do with the information once you pull it, but first you need to scrape a copy for yourself.

Hacker News is actually a bit tricky to scrape since the site’s markup isn’t all that semantic — meaning the HTML elements and attributes don’t do a great job of explaining the content they contain. Everything on the HN homepage is in two tables, and there aren’t that many classes or ids to help us hone in on the particular HTML elements that hold stories. Instead, we’ll have to rely more on patterns and counting on elements as we go.

Pull up the web inspector in Chrome and try zooming up and down the DOM tree. You’ll see that the markup is pretty basic. There’s an outer table that’s basically just used to keep things centered (85% of the screen width) and then an inner table that holds the stories.

Debugging Hacker News Page

If you look inside the inner table, you’ll see that the rows come in groups of three: the first row in each group contains the headlines and story links, the second row contains the metadata about each story — like who posted it and how many points it has — and the third row is empty and adds a bit of padding between stories. This should be enough information for us to get started, so let’s dive into the code.

I’m going to try and avoid the religious tech wars and just say that I’m using Python and my trusty standby libraries — requests and BeautifulSoup — although there are many other great options out there. Feel free to use your HTTP requests library and HTML parsing library of choice.

In its purest form, web scraping is two simple steps: 1. Make a request to a website that generates HTML, and 2. Pull the content you want out of the HTML that’s returned.

As the programmer, all you need to do is a bit of pattern recognition to find the URLs to request and the DOM elements to parse, and then you can let your libraries do the heavy lifting. Our code will just glue the two functions together to pull out just what we need.

import requests

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
# make a single request to the homepage
r = requests.get("")
# convert the plaintext HTML markup into a DOM-like structure that we can search
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
# parse through the outer and inner tables, then find the rows
outer_table = soup.find("table")
inner_table = outer_table.findAll("table")[1]
rows = inner_table.findAll("tr")
stories = []
# create an empty list for holding stories
rows_per_story = 3
# helps us iterate over the table
for row_num in range(0, len(rows)-rows_per_story, rows_per_story):
	# grab the 1st & 2nd rows and create an array of their cells
	story_pieces = rows[row_num].findAll("td")
	meta_pieces = rows[row_num + 1].findAll("td")
	# create our story dictionary
	story = { "current_position": story_pieces[0].string, "link": story_pieces[2].find("a")["href"], "title": story_pieces[2].find("a").string, }
		story["posted_by"] = meta_pieces[1].findAll("a")[0].string
	except IndexError:
		continue # this is a job posting, not a story stories.append(story)

import json
print json.dumps(stories, indent=1)

You’ll notice that inside the for loop, when we’re iterating over the rows in the table two at a time, we’re parsing out the individual pieces of content (link, title, etc) by skipping to a particular number in the list of <td> elements returned. Generally, you want to avoid using magic numbers in your code, but without more semantic markup, this is what we’re left to work with.

This obviously makes the scraping code brittle, if the site is ever redesigned or the elements on the page move around at all, this code will no longer work as designed. But I’m guessing from the consistently minimalistic, retro look that HN isn’t getting a facelift any time soon. ;)

Extension Ideas

Running this script top-to-bottom will print out a list of all the current stories on HN. But if you really want to do something interesting, you’ll probably want to grab snapshots of the homepage and the newest page fairly regularly. Maybe even every minute.

There are a number of cool projects that have already built cool extensions and visualizations from (I presume) scraping data from Hacker News, such as:


It’d be a good idea to set this up using crontab on your web server. Run crontab -e to pull up a vim editor and edit your machine’s cron jobs, and add a line that looks like this:

* * * * * python /path/to/

Then save it and exit (<esc> + “:wq”) and you should be good to go. Obviously, printing things to the command line doesn’t do you much good from a cron job, so you’ll probably want to change the script to write each snapshot of stories into your database of choice for later retrieval.

Basic Web Scraping Etiquette

If you’re going to be scraping any site regularly, it’s important to be a good web scraping citizen so that your script doesn’t ruin the experience for the rest of us… aw who are we kidding, you’ll definitely get blocked before your script causes any noticeable site degradation for other users on Hacker News. But still, it’s good to keep these things in mind whenever you’re making frequent scrapes on the same site.

Your HTTP Requests library probably lets you set headers like User Agent and Accept-Encoding. You should set your user agent to something that identifies you and provides some contact information in case any site admins want to get in touch.

You also want to ensure you’re asking for the gzipped version of the site, so that you’re not hogging bandwidth with uncompressed page requests. Use the Accept-Encoding request header to tell the server your client can accept gzipped responses. The Python requests library automagically unzips those gzipped responses for you.

You might want to modify line 4 above to look more like this:

headers = { "User-Agent": "HN Scraper / Contact me: ", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip", }
r = requests.get("", headers=headers)

Note that if you were doing the scraping with some sort of headless browser or something like Selenium which actually downloads all the resources on the page and renders them, you’d also want to make sure you’re caching the stylesheet and images to avoid unnecessary extra requests.

If you liked this article, you might also like:

  1. Scraping Web Sites which Dynamically Load Data
  2. Ideas and Execution Magic Chart (includes a Hacker News Search Hack)
  3. Running Your Own Anonymous Rotating Proxies

Scraping Web Sites which Dynamically Load Data


More and more sites are implementing dynamic updates of their contents. New items are added as the user scrolls down. Twitter is one of these sites. Twitter only displays a certain number of news items initially, loading additional ones on demand. How can sites with this behavior be scraped?

In the previous article we played with Google Chrome extensions to scrape a forum that depends on Javascript and XMLHttpRequest. Here we use the same technique for retrieving a specific number of news items based on a specific search. A list of additional alternatives is available in the Web Scraping Ajax and Javascript Sites article.



  1. Download the code from github
  2. Load the extension in Google Chrome: settings => extensions => check “developer mode” => load unpacked extension
  3. An “eye” icon now appears on the Google Chrome bar
  4. Go to the Twitter’s search page and enter your search keywords
  5. Now press the “eye” and then the start button
  6. The scraping output is displayed on the console as JSON


  1. To modify the number of news items to be scraped open the file inject.js and change the scrollBottom(100); line by the number of items you would like (e.g: scrollBottom(200);)


This source code was written by Matias Palomera from Nektra Advanced Computing.

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Further Reading

Precise Scraping with Google Chrome

Developers often search the vast corpus of scraping tools for one that is capable of simulating a full browser. Their search is pointless. Full browsers with extension capabilities are great scraping tools. Among extensions, Google Chrome’s are by far the easiest to develop, while Mozilla has less restrictive APIs. Google offers a second way to control Chrome: the Debugger protocol. Unfortunately, Debugger protocol is pretty slow.

The Google Chrome extension API is an excellent choice for writing an up to date scraper which uses a full browser with the latest HTML5 features and performance improvements. In a previous article, we described how to scrape Microsoft TechNet App-V forum. Now, we will focus on VMWare’s ThinApp. In this case, we develop a Google extension instead of a Python script.


  1. You will need Google Chrome, Python 2.7, and lxml.html
  2. Download the code from github
  3. Install the Google Chrome extension
  4. Enter the VMware ThinApp: Discussion Forum
  5. The scraper starts automatically
  6. Once it stops, go to the Google Chrome console and copy&paste the results in JSON format to the thinapp.json file
  7. Run the to generate the thinapp.csv file with the results
  8. Open the thinapp.csv file with a spreadsheet
  9. To rank the results, add a column which divides the number of views by the number of days.

Our Results: Top Twenty Threads

  1. Registry Isolation…
  2. Thinapp Internet Explorer 10
  3. Process (ifrun60.exe) remains active (Taskmanager) after closing thinapp under windows7 (xp works)
  4. Google Chrome browser
  5. File association not passing file to thinapp package
  6. Adobe CS3 Design Premium and FlexNET woes…
  7. How to thinapp Office 2010?
  8. Size limit of .dat file?
  9. ThinApp Citrix Receiver 3.2
  10. Visio 2010 Thinapp – Licensing issue
  11. Thinapp Google Chrome
  12. Thinapp IE7 running on Windows 7
  13. Adobe CS 6
  14. Failed to open, find, or create Sandbox directory
  15. Microsoft Project and Office issues
  16. No thinapp in thinapp factory + unable to create workpool
  17. IE8 Thinapp crashing with IE 10 installed natively
  18. ThinApp MS project and MS Visio 2010
  19. Difference between ESXi and vSphere and VMware view ??
  20. ThinAPP with AppSense


Matias Palomera from Nektra Advanced Computing wrote the code.


  • This approach can be successfully used to scrape heavy Javascript and AJAX sites
  • Instead of copying the JSON data from the Chrome console, you can use the FileSystem API to write the results to a file
  • You can also write the CSV directly from Chrome instead of using an extra script

If you like this article, you might also be interested in

  1. Scraping for Semi-automatic Market Research
  2. Application Virtualization Benchmarking: Microsoft App-V Vs. Symantec
  3. Web Scraping Ajax and Javascript Sites [using HTMLUnit]
  4. Distributed Scraping With Multiple Tor Circuits
  5. VMWare ThinApp vs. Symantec Workspace


  1. Application Virtualization Smackdown
  2. Application Virtualization Market Report

Helping Search Engines to Find Content in the Invisible Web

Discovering Hidden Web Resources

Search engines and social networks are digital telescopes. It is extremely difficult and time consuming to find web resources outside of their lens. It’s a search craft. Our intuition knows that there are interesting invisible information but we can’t touch it.

IMDB contains a lot of information about users but the site only offers sharing as a collateral feature. If we search on Google we can’t find all the users sharing their movie rankings. At the time of writing of this article the query: inurl:”user/*/ratings” was returning a few results on Google. How we can help people, through search engines, to find more web resources? This article shows the first 10 million results of the Distributed Scraping With Multiple Tor Circuits process. In a short time Google will index this article and include these new resources so everyone can find them.

In the meantime you have the great honor to see web resources that are invisible for search engines. These page contains the first 10 million of IMDB users sharing their movie’s ratings. We have included a script below to get their ratings taking advantage of the comma separated value export offered by IMDB.

Python Code for Exporting IMDB Ratings in Comma Separated Values


import pymongo
import urllib2

MONGODB_HOSTNAME = 'localhost'

HTML = """

EXPORT_URL = "{0}"

def main():
   conn = pymongo.Connection(MONGODB_HOSTNAME, 27017)
   db = conn.scraping
   coll =

   items = coll.find({'last_response':200})

   links = ""

   i = 0
   for item in items:
      url = item['url']
      index = 'ur{0:07}'.format(item['index'])
      filename = 'ur{0}.csv'.format(item['index'])
      links += "<a href='{0}'>{1}</a><br>".format(url, index)

     with open(filename, "wt") as h:

   print HTML.format(links)

if __name__ == '__main__':


  1. Discovering URLs through User Feedback
  2. Invisible Web
  3. Deep Web Research 2012

Photo taken by gari.baldi

Running Your Own Anonymous Rotating Proxies

Rotating Proxies with HAProxy

Most web browsers and scrapers can only be configured to use one proxy per protocol. You can get around this limitation by running different instances of browsers and scrapers. Google Chrome and Firefox allow multiple profiles. However, running hundreds of browser instances is unwieldy.

A better option is to set up your own proxy to rotate among a set of Tor proxies.The Tor application implements a SOCKS proxy. Start multiple Tor instances on one or more machines and networks, then configure and run an HTTP load balancer to expose a single point of connection instead of adding the rotating logic within the client application. On the Distributed Scraping With Multiple Tor Circuits article we learned how to set up multiple Tor SOCKS proxies for web scraping and crawling. However our sample code launched multiple threads each of which uses a different proxy. In this example we use the HAProxy load balancer with a round-robin strategy to rotate our proxies.

When you are dealing with web crawling and scraping sites with Javascript, using a real browser with a high performance Javascript engine like V8 may be the best approach. Just configuring our rotating proxy in the browser does the trick. Another option is using HTMLUnit but the the V8 Javascript Engine parses web pages and runs Javascript more quickly. If you are using a browser you must be particularly careful to keep the scraped site from correlating your multiple requests. Try disabling cookies, local storage, and image loading, and only enabling Javascript, indeed, you need to cache as many requests as possible. If you need to support cookies, you have to run different browsers with different profiles.

Setup and Configuration


  1. Tor
  2. DeleGate
  3. HAProxy

HAProxy Configuration File


        maxconn 256

        mode http
        timeout connect 5000ms
        timeout client 50000ms
        timeout server 50000ms

frontend rotatingproxies
        bind *:3128
        default_backend tors
        option http_proxy

backend tors
        option http_proxy
        server tor1 localhost:3129
        server tor1 localhost:3130
        server tor1 localhost:3131
        server tor1 localhost:3132
        server tor1 localhost:3133
        server tor1 localhost:3134
        server tor1 localhost:3135
        server tor1 localhost:3136
        server tor1 localhost:3137
        server tor1 localhost:3138
        balance roundrobin


Run the following script, which launches many instances of Tor. Then runs one instance of delegated per Tor, and finally runs HAProxy to rotate the proxy servers. We have to use DeleGate because HAProxy does not support SOCKS.

base_http_port=3129 # leave 3128 for HAProxy

# Create data directory if it doesn't exist
if [ ! -d "data" ]; then
	mkdir "data"

#for i in {0..10}
for i in {0..9}

	if [ ! -d "data/tor$i" ]; then
		echo "Creating directory data/tor$i"
		mkdir "data/tor$i"
	# Take into account that authentication for the control port is disabled. Must be used in secure and controlled environments

	echo "Running: tor --RunAsDaemon 1 --CookieAuthentication 0 --HashedControlPassword \"\" --ControlPort $control_port --PidFile tor$ --SocksPort $socks_port --DataDirectory data/tor$i"

	tor --RunAsDaemon 1 --CookieAuthentication 0 --HashedControlPassword "" --ControlPort $control_port --PidFile tor$ --SocksPort $socks_port --DataDirectory data/tor$i

	echo 	"Running: ./delegate/src/delegated -P$http_port SERVER=http SOCKS=localhost:$socks_port"

	./delegate/src/delegated -P$http_port SERVER=http SOCKS=localhost:$socks_port

haproxy -f rotating-tor-proxies.cfg

See Also

  1. Distributed Scraping With Multiple Tor Circuits
  2. Web Scraping Ajax and Javascript Sites


  1. HAProxy The Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer
  2. DeleGate Multi-Purpose Application Level Gateway
  3. Python twisted proxyclient cascade / upstream to squid
  4. How SOPA’s ‘circumvention’ ban could put a target on Tor

HTML Cleaners and Tidiers

Tag Soup

When you are crawling a website you will come across a lot of malformed web pages. Some typical problems are unclosed tags, mishandling of comments or of css styles. Modern browsers have to do a good job of cleaning HTML to build the correct DOM without ambiguities. Due to performance and scalability limitations, it is more efficient to process HTML with a parser instead of using a browser or headless browsers such as HTMLUnit or PhantomJS. If your HTML parser does not incorporate the cleaning or fixing process, you will have to use an HTML cleaner or tidier.

As in other processing pipelines if you fail to clean up malformed HTML, all subsequent processes will be stalled. It is important to choose a good HTML cleaner. Many cleaners fail to do their jobs.

HTML Cleaner List

The list of HTML cleaners is long, but the list of good ones is pretty short. In our experience the best choice is lxml.html. Other cleaners often have trouble.

Comprehensive Resources

  1. lxml.html
  2. Beautiful Soup
  3. lxml.html vs Beautiful Soup
  4. Cleaning Word’s Nasty HTML
  5. HTML Cleaners query
  6. Tag soup

Extraction of Main Text Content Using the Google Reader NoAPI

Theo van Doesburg Dadamatinée


In this article we will see how to extract the main text content from a blog using the Google Reader NoAPI.

Extracting the main text content from a web page is an important step in the text processing pipeline. The source code of pages in HTML is usually cluttered with advertising and other text which is not related to the main content. Formally, in the context of computer science, it is impossible for a computer to distinguish between the main content and other content on the same page. That is, no algorithm can recognize it for all possible cases. Sometimes it is even difficult for humans to distinguish it. Recognition of primary content is part of the machine learning/artificial intelligence field of study.

In practice there are many ways to recognize main content. If, for example, a blog platform includes attributes which indicate where the main content is, the process will be straightforward. Similarly, If the pages on a particular site have a well defined structure, we can also infer where the main content is by sampling a few pages. In this approach, we train the recognizer to apply patterns to additional pages. Of course purely manual work is another option. The quickest way to build an army of human recognizers is to put the job on sites like Amazon’s Mechanical Turk or similar services such as Microworkers.

For a good compilation of resources related to this subject you can see:

Extracting the Main Content from a Blog

If the blog platform includes information about the main text content on their tags, making an XPath expression for each one will do the trick. Now imagine that you want to do it automatically, without depending on each blog platform or blog theme. In this case you can read the RSS feed, which generally only includes main text, and extract the text from there. However, not all blogs post the complete text in the feed. The TechCrunch feed, for example, shows the first part of the text, but you have to click to continue reading. In this case you can use the partial text from the feed to recognize the complete text in the HTML. A potential problem with reading RSS feeds is that they only contain the most recent articles. To get around this limitation, we can get a longer feed history from Google Reader. Google Reader has some gaps and misses some articles, but this issue is beyond the scope of this article.

Getting Blog Text from Google Reader

Since Google Reader does not have a real API we will rely on the Google Reader API lib by Mauro Asprea from Wish and BAM!. He is an active reader of this blog and a friend.

We will retrieve posts by Fred Wilson, one of the most prolific VC bloggers, since he has blogged since 9/23/2003 on an almost daily basis, and includes the whole post within the feed.

Python code

# *-* coding: utf-8 *-*

import sys
import time
from GoogleReader import  CONST
from GoogleReader.reader import GoogleReader
import lxml.html

USERNAME = '' # Replace with your Google Reader username
PASSWORD = '' # Replace with your Google Reader password. Not included in this post :-)

gr = GoogleReader()
login_info = (USERNAME, PASSWORD)

xmlfeed = gr.get_feed(url="")

COUNT = 1000

print >>sys.stderr, "page:", i
for entry in xmlfeed.get_entries():
   print entry['title'].encode('utf-8'), time.ctime(entry['published'])
   doc = lxml.html.fromstring(entry['content']) # Thanks lxml.html for handling incomplete HTML documents!
   print doc.text_content().encode('utf-8')
   print "******************************************************************************************************"

continuation = xmlfeed.get_continuation()

while continuation != None and i < COUNT:
   print >>sys.stderr, "page:", i
   xmlfeed = gr.get_feed(url="", continuation = continuation)

   for entry in xmlfeed.get_entries():
      print entry['title'].encode('utf-8'), time.ctime(entry['published'])
         doc = lxml.html.fromstring(entry['content']) # Thanks lxml.html for handling incomplete HTML documents!
         print doc.text_content().encode('utf-8')
         print "------------------ ERROR -------------------"
         print entry['content']

      print "******************************************************************************************************"

   continuation = xmlfeed.get_continuation()


If you try this script you will realize that the oldest post retrieved is from 9/29/2005. The real first post however was on 9/23/2003. Why don’t we see it? I believe it is because Google Reader uses feed information from FeedBurner, which was launched in 2004 and acquired by Google in 2007, so they probably started recording feed entries then. Incidentally Union Square Ventures was one of the original FeedBurner investors.

There is an easier way to retrieve text in the specific case of Fred Wilson’s blog and other HTML5 modern sites. HTML5 provides an <article> tag, so you can just crawl the whole site and retrieve the content within the <article> tag. You’ll need an extra step to deduplicate the content since many of the crawled pages will appear more than once. For example if you follow categories like MBA Mondays you will find articles that also appear when you follow another path.

Lessons Learned

  • We can use Google Reader to easily extract text content from blogs.
  • Google Reader has its limitations: it doesn’t cover posts before a certain data and sometimes skips posts.
  • HTML5 adds a valuable new tag for differentiating article text from the rest of the content.

See Also

  1. Voice Recognition + Content Extraction + TTS = Innovative Web Browsing
  2. Google Search NoAPI

Additional Resources

  1. Newspaper: News, full-text, and article metadata extraction in Python 3
  2. boilerpipe: Boilerplate Removal and Fulltext Extraction from HTML pages
  3. Readability API
  4. HTML Content Extraction Questions on StackOverflow
  5. Google Reader Development Questions on StackOverflow

Scraping vs Antiscraping


It’s not possible to jump into the subject of scrapers without confronting antiscraping techniques.  The reverse is also true: if you want to develop good antiscraping techniques you must think like a scraper developer. Similarly, real hackers needs knowledge of security technologies while a good security system benefits from simulated attacks. This kind of “game dynamics” also applies to security algorithms. For example one of the best known public encryption algorithms, RSA, was invented by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman. Ron and Adi invented new algorithms and Adelman was in charge of breaking them. They eventually came up with RSA1.

Antiscraping Measures and How to Pass Them

A preliminary chart:

Antiscraping techniques Scraping techniques
The site only enables crawling by a known search engine bot. The scraper can access the search engine cache.
The site doesn’t allow the same IP to access a lot of pages in a short period of time. Use Tor, a set of proxies, or a crawling service like 80legs.
The site shows a captcha if it’s crawled in a massive way. Use anti-captcha techniques or services like Mechanical Turk where real people can give the answer. Another alternative is to listen to the captcha and use voice recognition with noise.
The site uses javascript. Use a javascript enabled crawler.

Many antiscraping measures are annoying for visitors. For example if you’re a “search engine junkie” you’ll find pretty quickly that Google shows you a captcha thinking that you are a bot.


I believe the web should follow a MVC (Model View Controller) type pattern where you can access the data (the model) independently of how you interact with it. This would enable stronger connections between different sites. Linked Data is one of such initiative, but there are others. Data Portability and APIs are a step towards this pattern, but when you are using APIs from large sites you realize that they’ve put a lot of limits. Starting a whole business based on third party APIs is very risky. You only have to look at the past to see a lot of changes on API features and policies. Facebook, Google and Twitter are good examples. API providers are afraid of losing control of their sites and the profits they generate. We need new business models which can get around this problem and benefit both API providers and consumers. In this sense should be created new business models not only based on advertising. One common approach is to charge for the use of the API. There are other models like that followed by the Guardian, which distribute their ads via their API. APIs carrying advertising is a promising concept. We hope that more creative people will came up with new models for a better MVC web.

See Also

  1. Running Your Own Anonymous Rotating Proxies
  2. Distributed Scraping With Multiple Tor Circuits


  1. Leonard Adleman Interview

Further reading

  1. Captcha Recognition
  2. OCR Research Team
  3. Data Scraping with YQL and jQuery
  4. API Conference
  5. Google Calls Out Facebook’s Data Hypocrisy, Blocks Gmail Import
  6. Google Search NoAPI
  7. Kayak Search API is no longer supported
  8. The Guardian Open Platform
  9. Twitter Slashes API Rate Limits In Half Across The Board To Deal With Capacity Issues
  10. Facebook, you are doing it wrong
  11. Cubeduel Goes Viral Too Quickly, Stumbles Over LinkedIn API Limits
  12. Keyword Exchange Market
  13. A Union for Mechanical Turk Workers?
  14. The Long Tail Of Business Models
  15. Scraping, cleaning, and selling big data
  16. Detecting ‘stealth’ web-crawlers

Photo: Glykais Gyula fencing against Oreste Puliti. [Source]

Google Search NoAPI


Way back in 2001 I wanted to be able to query Google automatically. Since Google did not provide an official API,  I developed a small simple Google Search “NoAPI” scraper  and published it as Googolplex. Google launched a SOAP based API but on December 20, 2006 they stopped accepting signups for the API1 and suspended it on August 31, 20092.  This shows that creating a service or product based on web APIs is a very risky business without an SLA contract. Google soon launched another API called Google Ajax Web Search API3 under a different license. This second API was suspended on November 1, 20104. You may wonder if Google is a bipolar creature. You can see the latest post at Fall Housekeeping.

Google has undergone a lot of changes since 2001 and Googolplex and other  libraries like xgoogle are now part of Internet history. A similar new library  is available at Mario Vilas Google Search Python blog post as Quickpost: Using Google Search from your Python code.

It’s not clear why Google vacilates over what could be an additional source of revenue, but it is clear that we should expect Google to provide an official and easy to use API. There are ways Google could restrict abuse of their APIs by third parties. It’s very common to offer a free alternative for low volume searches and charge for more intensive uses like Yahoo BOSS does.

In this article we’ll examine one way of crawling information in AJAX/Javascript based sites.

Crawling Google As A Browser

If you go to Google and look at the html source code you’ll be astonished to see pure Javascript obfuscated code. Even after searching the source is not clearer.

So, here is our code to get Google’s results using htmlunit/jython,we don’t have any affiliation with them,jwejust like it!). Look at our Web Scraping Ajax and Javascript Sites for more information.

import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebClient as WebClient
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserVersion as BrowserVersion

def query(q):
   webclient = WebClient(BrowserVersion.FIREFOX_3_6)
   url = ""
   page = webclient.getPage(url)

   query_input = page.getByXPath("//input[@name='q']")[0]
   query_input.text = q
   search_button = page.getByXPath("//input[@name='btnG']")[0]
   page =
   results = page.getByXPath("//ol[@id='rso']/li//span/h3[@class='r']")

   c = 0
   for result in results:
      title = result.asText()
      href = result.getByXPath("./a")[0].getAttributes().getNamedItem("href").nodeValue
      print title, href
      c += 1

   print c,"Results"

if __name__ == '__main__':
   query("google web search api")

/opt/jython/jython -J-classpath "htmlunit-2.8/lib/*"


The following search engines provide official APIs for search:


  1. Write a clean function/class to do Google queries and handle exceptions.
  2. Modify the function to handle nested and paged results
  3. Modify the function again, this time to include descriptions.

Final Notes

The approach taken by Mario Vilas is more API like, our approach here is a defensive measure against NoAPIs. This is another good example where HtmlUnit does its job.

BTW the domain is available5

See Also

  1. Extraction of Main Text Content Using the Google Reader NoAPI
  2. The Data Portability Fact Sheet


  1. Beyond the SOAP Search API
  2. A well earned retirement for the SOAP Search API
  3. Google AJAX Search API beta Version 1.0 Available
  4. Fall Housekeeping
  5. The domain is available at the time of writing of this article. Register it now! (Disclaimer: affiliate link).

Additional Resources

  1. Google Search API?
  2. Google Deprecates Their SOAP Search API
  3. Google Search API Dropped
  4. Is this API going to be closed down?
  5. Yahoo BOSS Switching To Paid Model In Early 2011
  6. Thoughts on Yahoo! BOSS Monetization Announcement
  7. Google to Start Charging for Prediction API
  8. Update on Whitelisting (Twitter API policies discussion)
  9. From “Businesses” To “Tools”: The Twitter API ToS Changes